November 2006

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Fellowship will follow each service in December. Drinks, cookies and snacks. Stay and talk for a while.

Memory Verses are recited the last day of each month to grow in knowledge and encourage the church. Get the Word!

Thanskgiving Dinner was the 12th after morning service at the community center. There was a great spread! Thanks to everyone that made it a success.

Welcome Isaac Michael Sheets Born Monday, October 16, 2006 at 11:07 a.m.

Born to Eric and Megan 8 pounds 6 ounces 20½ inches
He was in morning worship service for the first time on November 12th with mom!

The TAC Rally was the 3rd and 4th. Jamie and Andy Dausch went with our teens to Peace FWB Church in Indianapolis for and overnighter at Teens in Action for Christ and enjoyed preaching, food and fun.

Remember Pantry Sunday is the first Sunday of each month. Bring in nonperishable food items, paper products, cleaners, soaps and toiletries.

October 2006

Our Monthly Summary Newsletter
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The Harvest Festival was a great time of fellowship on Tuesday October 31st. We all met at the the church for a hay ride and then meet at Brother Cliff Williams house for food and games. There was great attendance, beans and it was not too cold.

Wrapped Candy was needed for candy bags for our Fall Harvest festival. Thanks to everyone who helped make the Fall Harvest Festival a success!

Memory Verses are recited each month on the last Sunday. There was a number of people to share a verse from memory this month!

The Wednesday Challenge is to simply pick one Wednesday each month to attend prayer service at 6:30pm which lasts about 1 hour. It is difficult to come on Wednesday's for some with school and work schedules but if you can spare an hour it's well worth it. Brother Dave Cobble presents a character study of an individual from scripture and Brother Bill Sheets offers prayer. It is a recharge each week of fellowship and Christian life.

Pray for Pastor Bill and Teresa and their family routinely. The success of Brother Bill in presenting the Word of God is very important to the success of this church body and our families.

A Church Membership opportunity was offered on the 22nd. Commonly called opening the doors of the church for membership. Pastor Bill invited anyone saved and baptized or pending baptism to come forward to show a desire for membership. The McClish Family and Chap Taylor became members today.

Pantry Sunday is the first Sunday of each month. You can minister mercy by bringing nonperishable items for the food pantry for individuals and families. A single canned item brought by each person will fill the pantry each month.

The Weekly Bulletin is skillfully produced by Brother Dave. If you have an announcement or upcoming event contact him to have it included in the bulletin.

Pastor Appreciation Dinner was after morning service on the 15th. Everyone was invited to stay for fellowship and show appreciation for Pastor Bill and Teresa.

Cook Books are being compiled for 2007. Share your recipe with everyone! See Jamie for details.

The Choir music can be heard on the website to practice, copy or just enjoy.

All Sunday School Classes have moved to another room with the exception of the Adult class in the sanctuary. Preschool has moved to Pastor Bill's office. The Pastor's office moved to his house. The Teen class is in the Southwest corner, and Elementary and Upper Elementary moved one room South. See you there!

The Kosciusko Association Quarterly Meeting was on the 14th @10am hosted by the Denham Free Will Baptist Church.

September 2006

Our Monthly Summary Newsletter
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Sunday School Teacher installment was Sunday the 24th. The Pastor performs
a Teacher Installment each year and is conducted in September. Teachers and
Congregation both affirm a commitment to support Sunday School. Our teachers
for the 2006-2007 school year are Pat Willis, Nola Betzner, Roberta Slone, Matt
Winters and Bill Sheets. They are serving in Preschool, Elementary, Upper
Elementary, Teenage and Adult classes respectively. Thank you for supporting
the efforts of our Sunday School. See you there!

Bible Study began a new study in September and is going very well with great
attendance. Debbie See is presenting a study on the book of Revelation and
prophecy. See you there at 6:30pm each Thursday evening.

Pastor Appreciation month is coming in October. Show your appreciation for
your Pastor!

Cook Books are being compiled by the WLAC. Submit your favorite recipe!
Grandparents Day was on the 10th! Special thanks to our grandparents.

The Choir is hiring! A Sound Person is needed for the choir practices and
performances. Anyone interested should talk to Theresa.

Soy Candles Fundraiser for WLAC is still going on! See Sister Pat for details.

The Church Van got a new look this month with our church name and address
with large vinyl lettering. Yay! Looks great!

August 2006

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Saved! Saved! Praise God! Haley was saved on the 27th! She accepted Jesus as
Lord of her life and has a desire to follow him! Pray for her protection and her family.

Saved! Saved! Praise God! McKenzie was saved on August 13th in morning service.
Praise God! Pray for her protection and family.

Saved! Saved! Praise God! Kyle was saved on the 20th in morning service! Praise God!
Pray for his protection and family.

Saved! Saved! Praise God! Katlyn was saved on the 20th in morning service! Praise
God! Pray for her protection and family

Brother Scott Studebaker will present Weekly Announcements during morning service.
All additions to the announcement list should be delivered to him. Pray for him and his
desire to serve the body of Christ wherever he can.

Audio Sermons from Pastor Bill will be available on our church website so watch
for the audio symbol on the Morning Service Page. BUNKERHILLFWB.ORG

A Canoe Trip will be at Turkey Run State Park on a Saturday. There is a signup sheet
for everyone interested. Canoes are $13.00 and we will need at least 14 people to
schedule the event. See Brother Rick for more details.

A Family Singing was great on the 20th! Pastor Bill, mom Lucy, brother Terry and sister
Tina sang together "The Family of God" after Lucy sang "He Is Exalted." It was a great
time of worship and fellowship. They hadn't sung together since the 70s. Hopefully it will
happen again soon! Happy birthday Sister Lucy!

We Prayed for Pastor Bill while he attended a Pastor's retreat and conference
weekend on Sunday the 6th. Brother Hal Menser presented a message of
encouragement and testimony during morning worship.

Phillipians 4:8 was our church memory scripture for the first six months. 4:9 will be our
memory scripture for the remainder of 2006.

The Junior Campers returned on Saturday the 5th. It was a great week of camp and
continue to pray for our young people.

July 2006

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The New Bible Study Topic will begin September 1st. We will go through the book of Revelation and prophecy. Come join us each Thursday at 6:30 to 8:00 pm.

The Teen Campers returned on Saturday the 29th. Our church won the Bible Bowl event, like the Jeopardy game show, and brought home two trophies. The champion trophy and a trophy for the most team points overall.
Church Camp began on the Sunday the 23rd with teen week. There was a lunch served just after morning service. Junior camp began on Sunday the 30th. We have our new van to transport our campers both teen and junior weeks. Pray that that camp will impact their lives forever.

Sewing Fellowship is now each Monday at 6pm. Come and fellowship!

Annual Indiana Beach Day was Saturday the 22nd from 11am to 6pm. Brother Rick Sasser coordinated the outing and worked out details. Thanks Bro! Many came to join in a great time and fellowship. The church van provided transportation and others drove their own vehicles.

Brother Tim Webb from the Wabash FWB Church preached on the 9th and 15th while Pastor Bill was on vacation. We welcomed Brother Tim, wife Mary and family. There was a luncheon provided by WLAC (women locally active for Christ) just after morning service.

Jennifer Cobble was baptized on July 2nd in the Mississinewa River under the bridge span on IN-218. Many people were there to witness her public profession of faith. Pray for protection of her convicted heart. Praise God!
(See photo gallery)

Sunday School's Theme for June was "School's out, Sunday Schools in."
Come join us for Sunday School at 9:30 each Sunday morning.

Kenneth and Rejane Eagleton are returning to Brazil soon for mission work.
Dr Eagleton presented Brazil mission works to us the 2nd and updated us on the mission work in Ivory Coast of Africa. Brother Kenneth then presented the vision and instruction of Jesus to preach the gospel to a lost and dying world.

June 2006

Our Monthly Summary Newsletter
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Community Worship Service was on Sunday the 25th at the fire station. People from the three in town churches participated and was a good time to demonstrate unity in the body of Christ.

VBS this past week went very well with a carnival in the church yard on Saturday the 24th. Thanks to all of our workers!

Bunker Hill Days Festival was Friday thru Sunday 23rd-25th. Sarah Winters was named Bunker Hill Queen in the pageant at the First Baptist Church and rode in a yellow Prowler in the parade on Saturday. Our church had a float
(see the photo gallery) loaded down with kids with banners that read "Jesus loves the little children." Praise God! There was baseball a car show, tractor show, food booths, merchant sales and more. Our food booth was busy for 12 hours and Saturday's events concluded with a great fireworks display provided by the Lions Club that rivals any big city display. The festival ended with the community worship service at 10am on Sunday at the fire department.

Our evening service on the 25th today was filled with song from Lowell Druelly from Fort Wayne's Harvest Free Will Baptist Church Pastored by Brother Jeff Sloan. Thanks to Brother Lowell and his ministry.

The Biannual Church Business Meeting was held the 11th with discussion about the parking lot which will be finished within the next couple of years wth a finish layer. There was discussion about the church van and the needs it is meeting and we praise God for this ministry tool.

Baptism Day was the 4th for Tammy, Scott and Christina. Praise God! These people have heard the teaching of baptism and want to be baptized as Jesus was our example. Pray for their protection and a continued desire to worship and serve.

The Sunday School Picnic was on the 4th after morning service in the south parking lot. During June, July and August the church is hosting a Sunday School promotional campaign to spark a new interest in Sunday School. School’s out Sunday School is in. Bring a friend during these months and you and your friend will recieve age appropriate gifts. See you there!

May 2006

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The Church Van has been purchased and will be a great ministry tool for years. It is a 15 passenger dodge van and is dark red with tinted windows. Pictures will be in the photo gallery soon.

The Church Bulletin is being created by Brother Dave each week. Contact him to have your information included in the bulletin.

VBS planning is underway with this year's theme being "Camp Turnaround." It will be Monday June 19th thru Saturday June 24th. Pray for our workers!

The Sunday School
is sponsoring a promotional campaign during the month of June. Bring a friend and you and your friend will win a prize. This campaign is for every class to participate. See you in Sunday School!

The Bakers from Eastern Kentucky worshipped with us on the 14th. They last visited us about 4 years ago. Praise God for their music ministry!

Baptism Day was May 7th for Brother Alex! Praise God for the desire of young people! He is demonstrating his faith as was Jesus' example to all of us. He is an encouragement to the church pray for Alex and encourage him. See the Photo Gallery.

The Food Drive sponsored by the letter carriers and the post office will be Saturday the 13th @1pm. This is a great time to minister to the needs of people. For more details see Dave.

The Mother's Day Banquet was Saturday the 13th @1pm. It is a time of fellowship for women. Ladies if you know someone who is a mother you are welcome to join us.

April 2006

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WLAC-Women Locally Active for Christ is sponsoring a fundraiser of Ten
Commandment yard signs. Get yours soon!

Elijah Cobble will be celebrating his 1st birthday at Maconaquah Park in the
upper park in Peru. Everyone is invited on Thursday May 4th from 4-6. See his
mom Jennifer for more details. See you there!

Baptism Day for Alex has been scheduled for May 7th. He is 11 years old and a
real encouragement to the church. Pray for Alex and dad Jamie and mom Cathy.

VBS is being planned for June. An orientation meeting was held on April 23rd.
Pray for all of our workers and children.

Sewing Night is becoming very popular. Come to fellowship and learn a new
skill and watch for upcoming times. This is becoming a monthy activity.

The Choir sang in Easter morning worship service and did very well. There was
several weeks of practice for Easter. Pray for the choir in this ministry.

The X- We looked for the "X’s" in the upper left hand corner of our bulletins on
Easter Sunday. Whoever had an "X" took home a potted lily!

Baptisms were done on April 9th! Praise God! Brother Hal Menser and Opal
Sprinkle will demonstrate their faith publicly through immersion, which was the
example Jesus set for us.

Doors of membership were opened on April 9th and Brother Hal Menser and
wife Joyce, Opal Sprinkle, and Alex were welcomed into fellowship by the
congregation. Praise God!

Berea Ministries representitive Bob Helms brought a presentation of the church
building efforts in Mexico. Many came to visit with Brother Bob and his wife Jean
during evening service on April 9th.

Good Friday Service was on the 14th at 6pm. We observed communion and
feet washing as was the example of Jesus.

Easter Sunrise Service was the 16th at 6am. Many came to worship, fellowship
and have breakfast before Sunday School.

March 2006

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Hoosier Harmony worshiped with us on the 26th and sang many powerful songs
which were enjoyed very much. There were 98 souls in service today.

A Hog Roast was held Saturday April 1st @1:00pm across the streeet at the
community center. Everyone had a great time.

A Sewing Class was Tuesday March 28th @6:00pm. People came to join in great
fellowship and learn a new skill.

Camp Fundraiser pizza kits are available now for helping fund our summer camp
fees. See Brandy for more information.

Brother Wes Radtke brought the morning message on the 5th. We were happy to
have Wes and his family here today. Many stayed for the after service luncheon
and fellowship.

TAC Rally-The Teens in Action for Christ rally was held at Harvest FWB in Fort
Wayne on Friday and Saturday the 10th and 11th. All teens and adult workers were
welcome to enjoy a great overnighter. There was record attendance this year with
313 teens.

Women's Retreat ladies left the church at 7am on March 17th to have a great
time in Fort Wayne. Many came to enjoy a great time of fellowship.

Men's Retreat was on the 3rd and 4th. It was a great time of preaching, fellowship
and pizza. We heard a special message from Ken Akers of Master's Men about the
work being done in that ministry and from the diastater repsponse team efforts
repairing damaged churches after hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Painting the Sanctuary was done on the 12th at 9am with prep being done Friday
March 11 at 4pm. Many came to help and was a great time of fellowship and

The Kids Dinner for the 12 and under crowd was on the 7th at 6pm. It was well
attended with Easter decorations and tacos were served.

February 2006

Our monthly summary newsletter
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Feed The Hungry volunteers worked on Monday the 20th. Chris Peek, Jim Frye, Hal
Menser, Dave Cobble and John Goodnight, along with 6 other churches, helped to
unload and sort cases of food at Third Phase in Nobelsville for distribution in Miami,
Madison, Hamilton, and Howard counties. Our pantry is blessed and overflowing! God is

Painting the Sanctuary will be done on March 12th at 9am with prep being done Friday
March 11 at 4pm. We need about 10 voluteers to get in done. See you there!
Memory Verses are recited the last Sunday each month. Encourage others with your
memory verse.
Crochet Fellowship-Come learn a new hobby and enjoy the fellowship. Monday
February 13th at 5:30pm.
Senior Breakfast-All seniors were invited to attend a breakfast fellowship on Saturday
February 18th from 7am-11am.
Pantry Sunday is the first Sunday each month. Bring a non perishable food item or
sundry item to share with the our community.
The Sunday School Meeting is our Board of Education and consists of all teachers and
is held at 9am the first Sunday each month.
Biannual Business Meeting was on the 22nd which included a budget report and
election of church officers.
Valentine Teen Dinner was on February 10th at 7pm. See our website photo gallery.
Hoosier Harmony will worship with us March 26th in morning service.
Bowling Sunday was on the 15th at Riverside Fun Center in Peru. The Sunday School
sponsored the costs for ages 17 and under. Even those who didn’t bowl came to enjoy a
time of fellowship. See our photo gallery.
Choir Practice began on the 22nd to begin work on our Easter program. Come join in
great fellowship.
The Kosciusko Conference was on the 14th at 10am at the South Side Free Will
Baptist Church. This is a quartlerly conference of our local district the Kosciusko
Women's Retreat will be March 17-18, 2006. The fees must be in by January 22nd.
Make plans to attend the retreat to fellowship and get away for a great time with sisters.
Bible Study is still each Thursday at 6:30-7:30 pm. We are studying the book of Luke.
Come join in great study, fellowhip and discussion.
The Celebration Band worshiped with us on the 8th in morning worship service. It was a
great time of worship and music.

January 2006

Our Monthly Summary Newsletter
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Happy New Year!

Pantry Sunday is the first Sunday each month. Bring a non perishable food item or sundry item to share with the our community.

The Sunday School Meeting is our Board of Education and consists of all teachers and is held at 9am the first Sunday each month.

Biannual Business Meeting was on the 22nd which included a budget report and election of church officers.

Teen Dinner will be February 10th at 7pm.Men's Retreat will be March 3-4 make plans to attend this year.

Hoosier Harmony will worship with us March 26th in morning service.

Bowling Sunday was on the 15th at Riverside Fun Center in Peru. The Sunday School sponsored the costs for ages 17 and under. Even those who didn’t bowl came to enjoy a time of fellowship. See our photo gallery.

Choir Practice began on the 22nd to begin work on our Easter program. Come join in great fellowship.

The Kosciusko Conference was on the 14th at 10am at the South Side Free Will Baptist Church. This is a quartlerly conference of our local district the Kosciusko Association.

Women's Retreat will be March 17-18, 2006. The fees must be in by January 22nd. Make plans to attend the retreat to fellowship and get away for a great time with sisters.

Bible Study is still each Thursday at 6:30-7:30 pm. We are studying the book of Luke. Come join in great study, fellowhip and discussion.

The Celebration Band worshiped with us on the 8th in morning worship service. It was a great time of worship and music.

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